News & Events

Family Strengthening Project Sessions

These sessions are delivered via Zoom and the topics are respectful relationships and gender equality.

SMECC Multicultural Arts: Our Covid Experiences

Mildura Art Centre 199 Cureton Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

These sessions are delivered via Zoom and the topics are respectful relationships and gender equality.

Sunraysia Multicultural Festival 2022

Mildura Riverfront Soundshell Hugh King Drive, Mildura, Australia

  Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council Inc. (SMECC) is proud to announce the details of the Sunraysia Multicultural festival for 2022. To ensure the event is the best it can be and draws the biggest crowds, SMECC has partnered with the Mildura Base Hospital to co-host the event at the Back to the Base Christmas […]

Sport Inclusion Workshop

Mildura Workers Bowls Club 176 Cureton Avenue, Mildura, Victoria

FREE training for local sports clubs. We're teaming up with former rugby union star Maia Tua-Davidson, now manager at Welcoming Clubs, to co-lead a Sports Inclusion Workshop helping community groups and sporting clubs grow their membership. The workshop, supported in partnership with Mildura Rural City Council and Aligned Leisure, will cover how clubs can better […]

AGM 2023

Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council 107-111 Twelfth Street, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

The Board of Management, Staff and Members of Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council Inc cordially invite you to our 2023 Annual General Meeting, 03 November 2023 05.00 pm at 107 – 111 Twelfth Street, Mildura. For more information or RSVP, contact or (03) 5022 1006

PALM Scheme Worker Information Night

Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council 107-111 Twelfth Street, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

Are you a PALM Scheme worker living or working in the Mildura region? If so, you are invited to join the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, the Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council, local police, community service providers and the Mildura Rural City Council for an information night.


Early Childhood Education (Level 1) Info Session

Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council 107-111 Twelfth Street, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

This information session is for anyone interested in studying and working in Early Childhood Education. The course is ideal for low-level English speakers who need to learn more language and work skills in Australia before going on to formal training.


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